What can you expect in your second trimester?

A pregnant person, in a white dress, showing off their bump, holding newborn, red, baby trainers.

Welcome to the second


Often called the "golden trimester" – and for good reason! Most people find that week’s 13 to 27 are like a breath of fresh air after the rollercoaster ride of the first trimester. You might start feeling more like yourself again, with a burst of energy and a newfound glow. Although, I’m not sure I ever got that glow they talk about, ha!

During this time, your body and your baby are up to some incredible stuff, and you might notice a bunch of new things happening. So, I’m here to help you navigate the twists and turns in the second trimester. From physical and emotional changes to antenatal appointments, let’s take a look at what you can expect.

Physical changes you might notice this trimester..

A couple on the beach, by the sea. The man is holding the womans pregnant bump

Okay, let's dive right in. First things first, your body is going through some pretty amazing transformations. Remember that adorable baby bump you've been eagerly awaiting? Well, it will usually make its debut in this trimester. You might notice it gradually goring bigger or wake up one morning to a pop! Alongside that, you might notice some changes in your skin – some mamas-to-be report a pregnancy glow, while others might experience a few blemishes. And speaking of skin, it's not uncommon for it to get a bit itchy as it stretches to accommodate your growing bundle of joy. If you haven’t already, you might want to invest in a pregnancy skin balm that can help soothe any itches you might experience.

Now, let's talk about your hair and nails. You might notice that they're doing some interesting things too. Some women find that their hair gets thicker and more lustrous during pregnancy, while others might see changes in texture. And your nails? They could grow faster and stronger than ever. It's like a beauty makeover that comes with the pregnancy package!

And last but certainly not least, let's not forget about your breasts – they're getting ready for their big role in nourishing your little one. You might notice they are getting fuller and you may have even gone up a cup size. I felt the second trimester is when I started to invest in some new bras and I would highly recommend getting a professional fitting, to make sure you get the right bra size and shape for your changing body.

Understanding your emotional wellbeing in the second trimester - and what helps?!

Pregnancy is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, no matter what stage. From hormonal changes, to managing worries and fears around pregnancy and childbirth, it can feel like a lot at times! One minute you're over the moon with excitement, and the next, you might be shedding a few tears over a soppy advert. It's all part of the journey, and trust us, you're not alone!

I pretty much sobbed my way throygh the first trimester, One of my least fine moments was when I started watching Firefly Lane, where they talked about living a lavish lifestyle, on their own island with a yacht etc and I began whaling that me and my best friend would never have our own island.. Needless to say Liam (my partner) was speechless.

But during the second trimester, the sobbing reduced and I felt a little bit more level. I began exercising again (as I finally had some energy) and ate a more nutritious diet as thankfully some food aversions went away. These things definitely helped my emotional wellbeing.

As well as that, some people wait until the second trimester to tell friends and family about their pregnancy. This means you may have more support or people to go to for advice or a rant. This support system is hugely beneficial in pregnancy. You might want to look into online or in person pregnancy meet ups, as bouncing off people in the same position can help normalise pregnancy experiences.

Common symptoms in the second trimester

One of the best parts of the second trimester, is that many of the not-so-fun symptoms from the first trimester tend to take a bit of a break. You'll likely notice a boost in energy levels, which is like a superpower in pregnancy! It's your body's way of giving you a little break from the fatigue that can often accompany those initial months.

But, and there's always a but, you might find yourself dealing with some new quirks. Heartburn and indigestion may make an appearance, so be ready for some creative food choices and perhaps the occasional craving for antacids. Then, there's something called "round ligament pain," which sounds fancier than it is. It's essentially those twinges or aches in your belly as your uterus stretches.

Braxton Hicks contractions could also start giving you a sneak peek of what's to come. These are like practice contractions, a little warm-up before the big show. And speaking of warm-ups, you might notice an increase in vaginal discharge. Don't worry; it's just your body doing its thing to protect your baby. Though if you do notice any unusual discharge for you (for example a different colour, or with a smell), you might want to check in with your midwife.

What appointments can you expect to have in the second trimester?

Typically, during the second trimester, you'll have appointments every 4-6 weeks, but your healthcare provider will let you know the exact schedule, as it can change person to person. One of the highlights of this period is the mid-pregnancy ultrasound, often known as the "anatomy scan." This isn't just about getting cute baby pictures (though those are a bonus), but it's a comprehensive check of your baby's development, making sure everything is in the right place and working as it should. Plus, it's a chance to find out your baby's gender if you're eager to know.

These appointments are also the perfect time to discuss your birth plan, any concerns you might have, and the various birthing options available to you. Your healthcare provider is there to answer your questions, provide guidance, and ensure that you feel confident and informed throughout your pregnancy journey. So, don't hesitate to bring up any worries or queries – they've heard it all and are here to support you every step of the way.

It's usually in the second trimester, where you might start thinking about the birth. I remember at around 25 weeks I had a sudden realisation that this teeny, tiny human I was growing, had to come out at some point. You might be starting to think about birth preparation classes and making a list of what you need for birth. You can look at my different birth preparation classes here, which provide a full antenatal education and hypnobirthing techniques.  

So, there you have it – a sneak peek into what to expect during your second trimester. These weeks are a mix of excitement, wonder, and maybe just a hint of "What the heck is going on with my body?" But remember, you're not alone in this adventure and my top tip would be to try and connect with other parents to be.

As you navigate the ups and downs, it's essential to remember that each pregnancy is unique. While we've covered common experiences and symptoms, yours might be different, and that's perfectly okay. The second trimester is a time to cherish the bond you're building with your baby, plan for the future, and take the best care of yourself.


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