What is Hypnobirthing?

And how does hypnobirthing work?

What is Hypnobirthing?

Sometimes it’s easier to explain what hypnobirthing isn’t before diving into what it actually is. When I first heard about hypnobirthing, I had this image in my head of sitting in a circle while someone waved a pendulum around, trying to hypnotise us into thinking birth was a breeze. Safe to say, I’d been watching too many TV dramas!

But even now, I know some people hear the word “hypnobirthing” and think it sounds a bit “out there.” I’ve definitely had a few raised eyebrows when I mentioned I was training to teach it. So, let’s clear this up and bust a few of the common myths about hypnobirthing…

Hypnobirthing is not..

So what actually is it?

Hypnobirthing is a practical and empowering approach to birth that prepares you in two key ways:

Techniques to help you feel more comfortable during labour. You’ll learn relaxation, breathing and mindset tools to stay calm, reduce stress, and work with your body during birth.

Tools to navigate the maternity system and make informed choices. It helps you understand your options, communicate effectively with your care team and feel confident advocating for what’s best for you and your baby.

It’s not just about staying calm; it’s about feeling prepared for whatever comes your way – including unexpected changes. With hypnobirthing, you’ll feel equipped to handle labor with confidence and stay in control, no matter how your birth unfolds.


  • During childbirth, fear can make labour more painful and longer because it causes tension in the body. Hypnobirthing helps by relaxing the body and calming fears by using different Hypnobirthing techniques.

    This relaxation helps the uterus muscles job a lot easier, making labour more comfortable and for some, quicker.

  • Probably my most asked question!

    My Hypnobirthing and Antenatal classes use a mix of Hypnobirthing methods, with therapeutic techniques I use within my work as a mental health therapist.

    You can expect to learn:

    Breathing Techniques: Designed to help you feel calm, comfortable and birth your baby

    Visualisations: Designed to help you ‘escape’ stress, by helping your mind focus and creating a sense of relaxation during labour. Visualisations can also help make the pushing stage of labour more straightforward.

    Positive Birth Affirmations: Their main job is to hype you up during pregnancy and birth, to help you feel confident, in control and focused during childbirth.

    Creating Anchors: These are sensory cues that trigger feelings of relaxation

    Birth Partner and Self-Hypnosis Scripts: Designed to be used throughout pregnancy and birth, these scripts can help ground your mind and feel calm and collected throughout your labour

    Massage Techniques: To help you feel as comfortable as possible during pregnancy, labour and birth

    Hypnobirthing Audios: Designed to help you release fears, physical tension and create a positive mindset around childbirth

    Understanding and Managing Worries: I will use therapeutic techniques used within my therapy work to help you understand any worries you have about pregnancy, birth, or the postpartum period and how you can learn to manage these worries.

    These are just the ‘main’ Hypnobirthing techniques used, but you will learn so many different ways to help you feel more confident as you approach labour.

  • There are no rules as to when you should start a hypnobirthing course. It is totally down to personal preference.

    I’ve had some clients who felt more anxious about pregnancy/birth, therefore started soon after their 12 week scan. And I’ve also had clients start within their last month of pregnancy.

    There are are some things to practice in the run up to birth, so starting hypnobirthing earlier can give you more time to do this.

    Generally speaking, most clients attend a class between 20-35 weeks pregnant. But I welcome clients at all stages of pregnancy!

  • NCT (National Childbirth Trust) antenatal classes tend to focus more on teaching information on pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood. This might include topics such as the stages of labour, feeding options, safe sleep recommendations etc. Whilst is is important to understand all of this information, it does not necessarily prepare you to deal with the emotional and physical challenges of labour and birth. Simply ‘knowing’ about birth, does not prepare you for a positive experience. You can understand more about what I mean by this here.

    My Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Classes cover not only the ‘stuff you need to know’ about birth and the postpartum period (such as stages of labour, how the body works during birth, pain relief options etc). But I also teach the techniques and skills you need to help you prepare for a more positive birth and postpartum experience. As far as I’m aware, this isn’t included in an NCT/Other antenatal classes.

    Some of my clients have also participated in other antenatal classes and it doesn't necessarily have to be seen as a 'hypnobirthing vs NCT' situation! They have shared that while the antenatal information I offer covers similar content to other courses, overall, I provide a deeper understanding, leading to increased confidence in decision-making and managing unexpected situations during childbirth.

  • Yes, you can absolutely use hypnobirthing techniques even if you're being induced or having a planned c-section!

    In fact, my hypnobirthing classes cover what to expect during an induction, assisted or caesarean birth, so you can feel prepared and empowered no matter how your birth goes.

    Hypnobirthing isn't limited to natural, unmedicated births—it can be beneficial for all types of childbirth experiences.

    The hypnobirthing and therapeutic techniques taught in my classes can help you stay calm, manage discomfort, and maintain a positive mindset during induction, c-section, or however birth plays out.

    My previous clients found that hypnobirthing helped them feel more empowered, confident, and in control, regardless of the circumstances surrounding their birth.

    My courses teach you how to adapt the techniques to suit your unique birthing journey and preferences.